Watch One Act Of Kindness Brighten The Day For Everyone With so much news about the awful things that happen across the globe, this video is a breath of fresh air. It sends a beautiful message, reminding us of the good all people in the world still have to offer. It will warm your heart […]
Sounds like Amy Winehouse, Adele, Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Selena Gomez among other divas. Just check it
Our bundle of joy makes us laugh all day, we love her so much!
Struggling to stay “present” when you’re not where you want to be? Here’s how to live in the moment AND fast-track the life you want.
Orangutans’ arms are well suited to their lifestyle because they spend much of their time in the trees of their tropical rain forest home. So what could possibly bring these beautiful creatures to the forest floor? How about some playful, hungry tiger cubs. Enjoy and share!
Japan’s second city has become the country’s fastest growing tourist hotspot. Famed for its food, Osaka stands apart from other cities in Japan. A sushi chef, a poet and a tattoo artist show us why their city is the top choice for the culturally curious visitor in the latest episode of our Passport travel series. […]
The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is a public engineering institution located in Delhi, India. It was declared to be Institute of National Importance by Government of India under Institutes of Technology Act. Sexy dance performance by IIT girls in a competition – Must Watch