You probably love sitting – it’s comfortable, right? Wrong! The human body has been designed for movement, and the longer you sit, the more agitated your body gets. This video explains how lack of movement is slowly killing you.
What will happen to your body if you stopped eating? What happens to your body without food?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so this video demonstration of how smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is probably worth a million words. Quitting smoking is one of the toughest addictions to quit which is why so many people try to quit smoking and fail. If you or someone you […]
Learn How to Get Rid of Your Headache in a Minute A headache at the beginning or end of your day can ruin a good mood and suck the joy out of life, and many of us may have already found the fastest and best available solution for them – prescription drugs. However, there are […]
People who suffer from depression, sadly, also suffer from a lot of the social stigma and misunderstanding related to this very real mental condition. Learn what clinical depression really is, and how you can help those who are suffering from it.
It seems like an almost unanimous agreement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It jumpstarts our metabolism and helps us burn more calories throughout the day. But there are many people who are not in the habit of eating breakfast and intermittent fasting diets are becoming more and more popular. So […]
Everyone talks about fat. What fats should we eat, what fats we shouldn’t eat, and what terrible things it can do to our bodies. And yet, we also know that there are some good fats that we should eat. So how can we know what is the right kind? This short and simple video will […]
The liver is one of the most vital organs of our body. It acts as a filter for our blood. It is hence essential to keep it in good shape. Thankfully, there are some wonderful foods that can help detoxify your liver and ensure that it keeps doing its job properly. This doctor shows us […]
A sore throat occurs when the back of your throat becomes inflamed. This is a common infection that can happen to anyone and can be quite painful. In fact, in many cases, those infected can’t even drink or eat properly. In this video, a doctor offers some safe and effective remedies that can help bring […]
Sometimes, sensations of stiffness, tightness, and pain in the back can prevent you from being able to stand up straight. This can only worsen an already existing back issue like sciatica or compressed spinal discs. Follow these 5 simple exercises to alleviate all of these unpleasant symptoms at home and finally stand up straight.