In this off color and hilarious prank, men are pleasantly surprised to find a beautiful woman coming on to them, only to be unpleasantly surprised when she takes off her scarf… Watch the smiles melt from their faces!
Imagine going to a public toilet, only to discover you’re not just the only one wanting to use it, you’re not even the only species wanting to use it! In this terrific prank video, we get to see what passers thought about this dog’s unusual sanitation skills!
WHAT COULD GO WRONG! -The Ultimate Best Fails Compilation
An uproariously funny compilation of gags when an entire group of people is called upon to play a prank on the individual, using the crowd effect to make the poor victim even more confused about this bizarre situation. This is one terrific compilation to laugh at with family and friends!
Love makes you do crazy things. This isn’t as romantic as writing someone’s name in the sky, but it’s got to be pretty close.
When Mr. Bean’s around, nothing is ever straightforward. In this classic clip from the original TV series, everyone’s favorite one man disaster zone is asked to help look after a boy who is feeling a little travel sick on a flight. Needless to say, he only succeeds in making matters worse, with hilarious consequences!
You should never heckle a child, especially one that is blessed with magical abilities.
The Doggy Salesman: This Prank Will Make You Laugh! When these customers came to speak with the salesman, they got the shock of their lives! Now, it’s a pretty cute shock, so we will forgive this funny prank troupe for pulling this gag and making us laugh!
This old timer didn’t see that car coming! Or DID he? This clever prank from Just For Laughs proves once again they are the most creative gag troupe in the world, able to think outside the box and really surprise both “victim” and audience! Enjoy this clever prank.
Time for a laugh! In this hilarious Just For Laughs Gags, will take you through some of the best episodes. From throwing a baseball at a van, to watching a man fall off a ladder and many others. Take a look: