A nature documentary that follows a newborn monkey and its mother as they struggle to survive within the competitive social hierarchy of the Temple Troop, a dynamic group of monkeys who live in ancient ruins found deep in the storied jungles of South Asia.
Read morethis library is awesome, artistically futuristic beautiful work of art, ‘Made in China’ !
Read moreThe Piano Guys share with us their cover of “Flicker” by Niall Horan that they filmed using only the new iPhone X. The song is beautiful and the fact that you can film in 4K on the iPhone X is pretty impressive. I love the night setting with the fog for this beautiful song.
Read moreSeoul, South Korea, is truly an amazing city to visit! It’s modern, easy to navigate and there’s little something everyone will enjoy. The Seoul subway system makes it easy to get around town and discover exactly what the giant city has to offer. Surrounded by Japan and China, Seoul and South Korea sometimes doesn’t get […]
Read moreBunny ears are so time consuming.
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