After a stunt like that, it would take GUTS to tell everyone to go buy their own umbrella… But hey, sharing is caring !
Think you’re having a bad day in the office? Thank the lord you’re not this guy. A truck driver, in what we’re guessing is somewhere in Russia, failed at the only thing he was expected to do – driving a truck! See what happens as he tries to reverse a loaded semi onto a barge. […]
Charlie the Shelter Dog was found on the side of the road and brought to an L.A. Area Shelter
What if you could go anywhere in the world? Who would you bring?
Danny MacAskill riding his mountain bike around the Edinburgh countryside, leaping onto a train track, riding over a rolling hay bale and riding through a 6ft puddle. Danny MacAskill became one of the biggest YouTube stars in the world after his incredible bike skills were witnessed in a number of jaw-dropping videos, including “Imaginate” and […]